2017 Annual Retreat Weekend

 Our annual weekend, held 3 to 5 November 2017, was a great success with around 30 members (including guests) coming and going over the weekend at The Pines at Tuross Head.  Thanks Steph for coordinating our retreat and  catering chart ensuring we not only had a feast of shared activities, but a feast of fine meals as well. There was lots of opportunity to socialise, share skills, do our own work, be inspired, hear about what the Management Committee has been up to, talk about the forthcoming exhibition (and commence a group project), sit and chillax, have fun, participate in planning next year’s activities, have a glass of wine or two…whatever took our fancy…

Images by Susan Jameson

E-mail info.eftag@gmail.com Hours ABN: 86 589 395 545
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