Vivien Davidson

Feltmaker      P1010440Vivien Davidson 0405409119.JPGVivien specializes in creative felting, both wet and needle felting. While working with wool and silk fibre she has discovered the artistic medium that suits her best and gives her the most satisfying way to express her creativity and love of nature. She is known for her needle – felted sculptures of Australian birds that she has exhibited at Milton, Grenfell, Batemans Bay and Moruya.

Vivien is fascinated by all forms of flora and fauna, including insects and fungi. Her rural property, the bush and sea nearby, provide continual inspiration. Her artwork is an attempt to invite others to share her joy and wonder at the natural world, to honour the creatures in it, and to give expression to her sense of intimate connection with it and the Creator who also delights in what He has made.


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