Carolyn Kohler 

FeltmakerWitnessing a magical amalgamation of natural fibres during a felting demonstration many years ago propelled me on an inspiring journey into the world of wearable art and Nuno felting. Largely self-taught, I have always possessed a creative soul, an instinctive nature and an enquiring mind. A selection of tutorage over the years from well chosen, high profile fibre artists expanded my technical skill base and inspired my journey. Initially, I ventured to art markets to sell my designs but this quickly led to placing them in a selection of galleries, boutiques, shows and festivals under the label ‘Carolyn Kohler Collection’. Encouraged and inspired, I began to exhibit and opened my own gallery ‘Studio 66’ in Canowindra, NSW in 2012.

My work evolved as I developed and discovered new techniques. My portfolio of felt work includes garments, hats, bags, jewellery, wall art and home decor. I endeavour to create pieces that are both beautiful and original. To date, pieces have sold to customers all over Australia as well as overseas in France, Canada, Japan and the USA and I am always thrilled to imagine my designs floating across the globe. Mother Nature provides a never-ending source of inspiration for my designs and the seasonal beauty of the Australian landscape never ceases to stir my creativity. These seasonal changes are reflected in my designs in the colour, form and style of each piece.Contact Carolyn

P: 0412866845



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